
4 Signs Your Home Needs a Water Softener System

4 Signs Your Home Needs a Water Softener System

Although many homeowners hear the term “water softener,” not everyone realizes how essential it is. However, water hardness impacts many areas of your home, from the quality of pipes to the condition of your skin. Continue reading the list below to learn about the top four signs your home needs a water softener system.


Thankfully, many of the identifiers of hard water are visual, making them easy to identify. For instance, scales are a chalky mineral buildup that results from hard water. You’ll notice scales by looking at showerheads, sinks, dishwashers, and essentially any appliance or item that regularly interacts with your water supply. When you spot that chalky buildup around sinks and so forth, it’s time to seek a water softener system.

Dry Skin

Beyond affecting appliances, hard water can impact humans, too. The minerals in hard water can irritate your skin, causing it to become dry and flaky. This same effect can happen to your hair when washing with hard water. Soaps and shampoos aren’t suitable long-term solutions, but you can set up water softener systems that remedy the situation.

Fading Clothes

Hard water affects more than your sinks or showerheads; your washing machine benefits from soft water, too. More specifically, like washing your hands with hard water, doing laundry with that same water won’t be very effective. If you notice the clothes you put in the washing machine are starting to take on a grayer color and rougher texture, then it’s most likely the minerals in your water supply.

Unexpected Bill Increases

Another one of the most substantial signs your home needs a water softener system is your utility bills. Do you remember the scales from above? Well, they can also form within your pipes, constricting the space in which your home’s water must move. As a result of scale buildup, your plumbing must work harder to transport water throughout the pipes.

If you spot an unexpected increase in your utility bills, your water quality might be the culprit. Luckily, you can find water softener systems that help maintain water quality without causing your bills to rise. For instance, At United Waterworks, we can set you up with a home water softener system that requires very little power consumption. Finally, since you’re more familiar with the signs of hard water, you can start seeking suitable solutions today.

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