
Signs Your Water Softener System Isn’t Working Properly

Signs Your Water Softener System Isn’t Working Properly

When it’s time to replace your water softener system, there will be a few key signs to look out for. There are always a few tell-tale signs that reveal your water softener system isn’t working as effectively as it should be. Continue reading to learn how to identify these signals so that you know when to get your system replaced.

Mineral Spots in Bathroom and on Dishes

One way to know your water softener system isn’t working properly is by checking for mineral spots in your bathroom or on your dishes. When your softener isn’t filtering out the minerals in the water efficiently, it will cause scale buildup to occur. You’ll see these buildups as white marks or spots on areas that the water has passed over, such as your dishes, shower walls, faucets, and sinks.

White Crust Buildup on Faucets

Since water is frequently running through faucets, it’s common for a white crust to build up when the water softener system isn’t working. This chalky white crust is an accumulation of calcium buildup from the lack of water softening filtration. This isn’t ideal to have on your faucets, as the buildup can be unsightly and affect the quality of your water.

Reduced Suds

The minerals in hard water—water that isn’t softened—will cause difficulties with forming suds when you use soap. This can prevent your products from cleaning effectively, which, in turn, impacts you and any item that you need to clean in your home.

Water Does Not Feel Soft

An obvious factor that signals that you need water softener services is that your water doesn’t feel soft. You can feel a physical difference when your water is hard versus when it’s soft and properly filtered. You may notice changes to the touch or dryness, itchiness, and tightness on your skin after showering or washing your hands.

If you’re experiencing these signs, it may be time to get your softener system inspected or entirely replaced. United Waterworks is here to help you with all your water softener needs. Don’t hesitate to reach out and contact us today.

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