
Why Is Consuming Clean Water Important for Kids?

Why Is Consuming Clean Water Important for Kids?

There are many hazards at home that parents must keep away from kids, whether we’re talking about sharp objects, medications, or other potentially dangerous items. One thing you might not expect to impact your child’s health is the water coming from your tap, but it can. If you’re unaware of the problems with residential water quality, we’re here to help you learn the essentials.

So let’s address a question you might understandably be wondering: Why is consuming clean water important for kids? As you’ll learn below, water quality doesn’t only affect the kids; it affects everyone else under your roof, too.

It’s Essential to Human Diets

Humans, at every stage of their life, need water to survive. After all, dehydration occurs when our bodies need water but aren’t getting the proper amount. From blood flow to internal temperature, human bodies rely on hydration to regulate various functions, which is a significant reason why dehydration can result in fatigue, among many other side effects.

Beyond keeping kids healthy internally, clean and soft water ensures young ones can sanitize their hands effectively. Your water at home can become harder, thanks to the presence of too much calcium and magnesium. Luckily, as we’ll discuss further in this blog, combating that calcium and magnesium is easier than you might think.

Water Supply Issues

To the naked eye, the water leaving the tap might seem totally fine. If it’s not discolored, there’s nothing to visually alarm you. However, that doesn’t mean your drinking water is clean, which is why testing is critical.

For this reason, as specialists in water treatment in Houston, the United Waterworks team can do more than install purifying or softening systems; we can conduct water tests, too. These tests are important for homeowners because many contaminants can wind up in the water supply, including sediment, 2-methylisoborneol (MIB,) geosmin, calcium, magnesium, algae toxins, and many more.

For example, the EPA is vocal about the potential dangers of algae toxins in drinking water. In the EPA’s detailed fact sheet, they point toward vomiting, diarrhea, and kidney damage as only a handful of the potential side effects of algae toxins, AKA cyanotoxins, in our drinking water.

Keeping Water Clean

Now that you see why consuming clean water is important for kids, you can start making the right changes to your water supply today. As mentioned above, it all starts with a water test from an expert. Afterward, you can begin discussing the specific product necessary for fixing your home’s H2O.

For example, expertly installed water softeners and purifiers are specially designed to help homeowners better regulate their water quality. Simply put, solving your water quality woes comes down to seeking help from the professionals. Contact an expert today to start planning how you can test and fix your home’s water supply for your kids, as well as everyone else in the house.

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